Ladies and gentlemen, we have a somewhat decent playing piece of shit art.

I got my animations into GameMaker, and it actually wasn’t that bad. I wish I had spent more time on the animations themselves; but for the amount of time that I did put into them, they liking on fleek. Most of the time I lose motivation around this point of game development because I’m just staring at moving squares. But even seeing the “pumping hearts” in my GUI is enough enjoyment for me to stay working on my game. For those working on your own game, work on some “good” placeholder art for 5 minutes, and not just a square! That’ll give you a lot more inspiration and motivation.

Things finished today:

-player finite state system

-art assets are imported into the game

-enemy death effects (screen shake and blood gunk)

-enemy spawning system

Things left to do:



-High score

-Bug fixes

Prototype Screenshot

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