Judging by the picture below, this whole game will revolve around a dancing Isaac with a Cloud as a dance partner.

I finished up the animation sprites for the game; animation is a totally different beast than programming. Programming is logical; you think through mathematical formulas, declare strict variables, and if you leave out a parenthesis here or there, your whole program won’t compile. Programming is rigid, and there’s a clear right and wrong way of doing things.

But with programming, there’s more than one way of doing things. You can use for-loops, while-loops, etc. There’s creativity behind selecting expressive variable names and different approaches you can use to tackling problems. An art is a medium for you to express yourself to others, and that’s what good coding is (albeit expressing yourself so that others can understand what you’re trying to do). And sometimes you just have to use your gut when finetuning variables. Does the player movement “feel” right? Does the screen shake “feel” good?

So maybe programming is more of an art after all. Ehhh, too philosophical for me to decide.

The animations of the game worried me most, and I’m 90% of the way through it. I’m gonna do a shitload of programming tomorrow, and get a pretty prototype done soon.

If you’re interested in getting into Animation, check out The Animator’s Survival Guide. I’m only a couple of chapters in, but everything is explained well in laymen’s terms that even a programmer can understand.

Happy Cloud

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