omg...so sexy.

omg…so sexy.

There was an event at work today. Free drinks and free food. Need I say more?

And in my inebriated state, I managed to wobble all the way home and get some shit done. Working on this game, piece by piece, used to be something I found to be miserable. The slow progress, and seeing the same thing over and over again was demotivating. But the fact that I’m using new tools (Inkscape and Synfig) to create different dimensions for my game (art and animations) made it enjoyable again.

For those of you just beginning to program, learn as much as you can about the language. But don’t be one dimensional! Learn how to draw something; learn how to animate; make music; design levels! Seeing your game come to life is amazing; so stop fucking drawing squares!

I got some tutorial animations done, and…then I managed to almost delete my entire game project. There’s a glitch where, when I accidentally set my animation length in the sprite editor of GameMaker to a ridiculously large number (such as 20,000), the game freaks out. What happened this time was that, GameMaker froze and said it had a memory leak, and then when I reopened it, all of my rooms and objects were missing from the in-program folders 😦

Luckily the objects and rooms were saved elsewhere in GameMaker’s automatically generated folders and were unscathed. All I had to do was reimport them. But it was scary as hell seeing all the work you did for the past week…gone. Should I consider using some version control like github? Or maybe I should just email a version of my project once a day? I think I’ll try learning that for my next project. I’m going on a road trip tomorrow; the end of the month is fast approaching, but so is the end of this game.

003. One Game A Month

While you’re starting out with game programming, you’ll get stuck, get bored or lose motivation, scrap your game and start another one. Then you’ll get bored or lose motivation on that new game and keep repeating this endless cycle.

One Game A Month forces you to complete a game every month, with a beginning, middle, and end. The goal of this is to get shit done. No matter how bad it is, at least you finished (which is more than many others can say). And after every game you complete, learn from it and try different approaches on your next game. Make shit (it can literally be the shittiest game ever), share it and be proud of it, learn from it, and then, you have my permission to repeat (Bane reference, anyone?).


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